Value of dog and cat life insurance

Gerard Mihranyan,

Currently, more and more French are taking out life insurance policies for their pets. Read the following information to find out if this insurance policy is right for you.

Dog and cat life insurance: is this contract really indispensable?

Dogs and cats remain the most popular animals despite the emergence of other pets on the market. Man’s best friend accompanies him for the duration of 15-18 years in the family home, becoming a full-fledged member of the family. Most of the time, the death of a cat or dog is the cause of significant expenses because of the owner’s desire to give their companion a worthy funeral.

Is the dog and cat life insurance policy really necessary?

Pet insurance provides for compensation covering expenses arising from the loss of your pet. Currently, owners do not hesitate to buy coffins and funerary monuments from pet cemeteries to honour the memory of their companions. The charges may be inflated and without life insurance, one must pay from one’s own pocket. This policy is not obligatory; however, it allows you to receive capital to cover the expenses incurred by the death of your cat or dog. Although you may want to offer a modest funeral to your deceased pet, with the capital from this insurance you can buy another pet.

Dog and cat life insurance: Conditions

Be aware that it is not sufficient to simply take out a dog or cat life insurance policy to be certain to receive compensation in the case of death. There are certain conditions that must be met:
- Most of the time, the insurer imposes an age limit for the coverage (approximately 10 years for cats and 7-10 years for dogs). The age limit corresponds to an accidental death rather than to a natural death due to old age. Also of note is that the limit varies from one institution to another. It is therefore advisable to always compare between companies to find the best life insurance policy for you.
- Dog and cat life insurance policies always require that the death be noted by a veterinarian; the owner must provide the pet’s death certificate to receive the compensation.

The Comparator is a professional source that helps users locate the best deals on cat and dog life insurance in just a few clicks.